Pay by Weight?
Compare Piece Rate Wage to Minimum Wage
Reliable, NTEP-Certified Scale
Pay by Pounds or Kilos
Pay by Piece?
Digital Timesheets & Punch Cards Apps
Automate Piece Rate Reporting
Track Employee Productivity
Pay by Hour?
Time Clock Apps
Track Employee Work Time Anywhere
Mobile Phones Track Work Time
Ready tostreamline?save?simplify?
Who Uses 2nd Sight for Time Tracking?
All types & sizes of businesses and ag operations use 2nd Sight products to track and manage employee time and production to streamline payroll. Gain valuable insights about hourly and piecework labor. Manage overtime.
Ready for customizable digital tracking solutions? 2nd Sight offers the best automated time tracking software and hardware for farms, orchards, greenhouses, vineyards, nurseries, and more.
Why Use 2nd Sight Labor Tracking Software?
Still using punch cards and paper time sheets? Save hours each day with digital labor tracking. Eliminate punch counting and manual data entry.
Let software count and transcribe so you can spend more time growing your business!
How Will This Streamline Your Payroll?
Generate automated reports with a few clicks.
Download and import employee hours, pieces, and break times into existing payroll software packages including:
PayNW and